The New York agreement of 1962, which handed out control of West Papua to Indonesia was done by USA, Netherlands and Indonesia,without representatives of West Papuan people, whose future was in the stake. (It is the case "About us- without us").
Just one year before this infamous agreement West Papuan people elected their representatives in 1961 to West Papua Council. Without them - without true and elected members of West Papuan people, whole New York Agreement of 1962 is farce, it is not an agreement- but the Dictat! Similar to the Munich Dictat of 1938, where France, Britain, Italy and Germany, signed document concerning Czechoslovakia- without representatives of that country taking the part! It was an appeasement to Hitler to stop the war. It didn't so it was annulled it its entirety after WWII.
So on the same precedence, New York Agreement-Dictat of 1962 should be annulled in its entirety. Because on that document aren't signatures of elected representatives of West Papua Council.
According to it all Indonesians who settled in West Papua since 1962 settled there illegally, as such must return to Indonesia!
Despite all above Indonesia didn't even respected recommendations from this agreement- Dictat, which stated that Indonesia is administering West Papua on behalf of Dutch government and thus will send regularly reports of their administration to the Dutch government. Indonesia didn't fulfil part of this agreement. Also Indonesia should prepare and conduct a proper referendum. Proper referendum is where all adult population, over age of 18 years of particular country, vote on an issue in secret ballot box.
Again Indonesia breached this part of the agreement. Because selection 1025 people from over 1 million West Papuans in 1969, which were forced to raise hands front of Indonesian military and UNO representative, according the wishes of Indonesian military- is against the proper conduct of democratically organised election or referendum.
Also must be said that those 1025 people were pre warned by military commanders if they will not raise their hands in vote according the wishes of Indonesian military- it will have the dire consequences for them and their families.
Based on above facts, and fact that Indonesian governance of West Papua was oppressive and genocide towards the local population. Best proof of the fact is neighbouring Papua New Guinea. In times of Indonesian takeover of West Papua, both West Papua and Papua New Guinea had 1 million Papuans. Now Papua new Guinea had 6,5 million Papuans, while West Papua has less than 2 million Papuans!
Nothing else demonstrates so clearly horrendous genocide policy of Indonesian governments towards West Papuans. Yet in the same time 1962-2012, Indonesian population more than doubled. Except of Papuans in West Papua. Why?
Based on these facts New York agreement- Dictat of 1962 should be annulled immediately and West Papua returned to the Dutch government control, because of all breaches, by Indonesia, stated in this email. Dutch government will be obliged within two years to organise a proper referendum which will deliver independence to this most oppressed and marginalised people on the planet earth!
Yours sincerely
J Kazok
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